March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

On the Homefront: Home Again!

I could not hold my camera still enough to prevent a bit of double
exposure, but this is my best attempt at photographing the moon
this morning.

I am back from New Mexico, just in time for last night's "blue flower moon".  My little digital camera does not even begin to do it justice, but the moon was quite lovely when I was out walking my dogs before dawn this morning.  I hope you got a chance to see it where you live!

The weather difference between New Mexico and Georgia is quite pronounced at this time of the year.  Temperatures were mild during the day and rather cool at night in the Southwest, while in the Southeast it feels like summer, with daytime temperatures near 90 degrees and of course the ever-present high humidity!  While it is good to be back with my animals, and I even got to see my husband briefly before he left on the first of many trips he will be taking this spring/summer, I do miss the New Mexico weather!

I did not take nearly as many photographs as I would have liked while at our new house - I had so much to do and so little time to do it all on this trip!  I did manage to get some lovely wildflower images, however, because the state received a record amount of rainfall this spring and plants that folks in our new neighborhood had never seen before were blossoming profusely.  I will post my photos later in the week, but I will be extremely busy for the next few months as we get ready for our big move so my blogging will be rather erratic for a while.  Have a great Sunday, everyone - it is good to be back in communication after a week without internet access!

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