March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wish List Wednesdays: Cactus Sippers Mason Jar Glasses

I found the cutest set of glassware at HomeGoods the other day for a phenomenal price, so they are not on my wish list, but for those who may be interested take a look at these green 15-ounce Cactus Sippers Mason Jar Glasses (set of four for $31.00 on Amazon).  I wish I had found them before Cinco de Mayo, but now you know what glassware I will be using for my table next year!  They will be perfect for serving lemonade or limeade.  I love the fact that they come with lids that have holes for straws.  I got mine for the bargain price of $7.99 for the set because the straws were missing, but I can supply my own straws!

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