December 18th is Flake Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wish List Wednesdays: Abbott Collection White Porcelain Animal Tableware

Abbott Collection Frog Teapot (from The Weed Patch)

This past Saturday my husband and I went to the Atlanta Botanical Garden to see a fabulous mosaiculture exhibit (more about that tomorrow).  After a very enjoyable stroll through the gardens, we stopped by the gift shop before leaving, and I found a unique frog teapot ($32) by Abbott Collection that I decided I had to have.  My husband and I both collect teapots, but I tend to collect the colorful and/or whimsical varieties while he collects more elegant and classy Asian ones.  I have a few animal-shaped pots, but I would love to have more, and Abbott Collection makes Elephant and Owl teapots as well.  I see a couple more teapots in my not too distant future!

Tea accessories are also available, like these Owl Teabag Plates:

And who could resist the Frog Sugar Bowl and Frog Creamer:

These Elephant Salt and Pepper Shakers would be a nice addition to the collection:

I think I'm seeing a menagerie tea table setting in my near future as well!

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