March 14th is Celebrate Scientists Day!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wish List Wednesdays: Ex Libris Wallpaper

I have never been fond of wallpaper, having always been of the opinion that a coat of paint in an appropriate color was all any wall needed.  After checking out some of the wall coverings available now, however, I am beginning to think that the reason for my dislike had more to do with never having seen a pattern that I found attractive before.  These days, I am seeing quite a few designs that I would be happy to have on my walls!  The Ex Libris Wallpaper pictured above is one of my favorites.  A powder room or a small office completely covered in this pattern would be fantastic.  In a larger space I might just go with one wall, or a nook, or maybe I would be brave enough to do the whole space.  I think I am seeing some wallpapered walls in my home's future!

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