March 14th is Celebrate Scientists Day!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This 'n That Thursdays: Barnyard Kitchen Table Accessories

From Sprout Home

Inspired by yesterday's Wish List Wednesday's Chicken Kitchen Timer, I decided to search for other kitchen accessories in the shape of familiar farm animals.  The colorful cat creamers pictured above are only $12 apiece, and may be used as small planters or vases as well -- why not have one of each color?

Available from for $20 each is a veritable barnyard of stoneware pottery kitchen table accessories:

Clockwise from top left: Marine blue bird sugar bowl; Melon cow creamer; Yellow chicken creamer; Kiwi green cow butter dish; Center: Pink pigs salt and pepper shakers

And finally, although this one is quite the splurge at $248, the pig-topped Country Life Teapot in creamy white would make the kitchen barnyard setting complete:

From Anthropologie

As the old song says, even in my home's kitchen "Farm living is the life for me!"

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