March 16th is National Panda Day!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This 'n That Thursdays: Designing with Turtles in Mind!

When it comes to reptiles, I am usually indifferent, with one exception -- turtles!  I adore the carapaced creatures, whether terrestrial or aquatic, large or small, ocean dweller or desert denizen.  A chance find on the Internet of a turtle-inspired wallpaper had me pondering more ways to bring my favorite reptile into the home:

By Kate Usher Surfaces

A quick search revealed that, while not abundant, there is a decent number of turtle-themed pieces for the home out there.  For example, I was able to put together a dining room styleboard based on the above wallpaper:

Clockwise from top left: green fern sideboard from Lucy Turner; sea turtle wall art from Shop Southern Enterprises; turtle salt and pepper set from; turtle cups and saucers from Novica; turtle teapot from Novica; turtle dinnerware from Jean Smaglik Wells; Hawaii turtle Honu pint glass from Art Fire (no longer available); sea turtle wine glasses from; turtle wine bottle holder from Novica; plaster tortoise shell lamp from Lighting Direct; Center left: Walter Knoll Turtle dining chair from Living Edge; Center right: sea turtle dining table from John Didier Designs

I also found this attractive turtle rug from Virginia Johnson:

This rug, paired with the turtle wallpaper, inspired an idea for an entry foyer/sitting area done in grand turtle style:

Clockwise from top left: sliced bamboo console table from Lobel Modern; Wyland turle mirror from Ocean Treasures; turtle table lamp from Bellacor; Walter Knoll Turtle lounge chair from Aram Home; Thomas Paul turtle pillow from Beach Decor; turtles coffee table from Paradise Drive Inn; Center: large leather turtle ottoman from Furniture Outlet World 

I do have to draw the line somewhere, though, and I'm afraid this poor turtle will not be gracing my home any time soon (although I do give the creator, whoever you are, an "A" for imagination!):

From My[confined]Space

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