March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Wish List Wednesdays: Plant Pot Feet from Signals

When I was still in Georgia, we had numerous plant-filled pots on our wooden deck.  I was always on the lookout for attractive plant pot feet to raise the pots up off of the wood to keep the deck from rotting underneath, but never found what I was looking for.  I ended up using small paving stones instead, which worked just fine but were not particularly interesting.  Now that I am in New Mexico, where we have no wooden decks, I have found exactly the sort of plant pot feet I wanted in Georgia!  The Plant Pot Feet ($29.95 for a set of three) from Signals come in several different animal shapes.  All are adorable, but I am especially enchanted by the tortoise and the hedgehog choices because these are two of my favorite animals.  I even like the antique bronze finish.  I do not really need to elevate any pots with feet here in arid New Mexico, but I may just have to purchase a set or two for purely decorative purposes!

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