March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Wish List Wednesdays: Mystery Lover's Teacup from Signals

I have been reading a lot of mystery novels lately during our COVID-19 lockdown.  A nice cup of tea is always the best accompaniment to a good read, and while I am normally a mug sort of person I have been seriously thinking about getting myself the Mystery Lover's Teacup ($29.95) from Signals.  On the outside it seems like a traditional, rather ornate floral cup and saucer.  Look down at the bottom of the empty cup, however, and you will find this cleverly hilarious message:

"You have been poisoned."

Once again it is the little things that make our shutdown bearable, and finding this sly message at the bottom of my cup when I finish my tea would amuse me every time (obviously I am easily amused!).  Are you finding simple ways to keep yourselves amused these days?

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