March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

This 'n That Thursdays: Forks Over Knives Magazine Debut Issue

I am on a continual quest to eat healthier meals.  Last week a local supermarket was selling copies of a debut magazine called Forks Over Knives (you can find a digital issue here).  I glanced through one while waiting in line, and found the recipes interesting enough to purchase the copy.  I vaguely remembered having heard about Forks Over Knives before, but was not really familiar with the concept, so I checked it out online when I got home.

It turns out that Forks Over Knives is similar in philosophy to The Blue Zones project in that it advocates a plant-based diet.  However, it promotes a completely vegan lifestyle, and eschews all processed foods, even excluding plant-based oils!  While I find this sort of diet to be a bit too extreme for my tastes, there are still a number of recipes in the magazine that I want to try.  Right now I am focused on soups, and have already selected several from the issue that I plan to make.  If recipes in future issues are as good as those in the premiere copy, then I may just have to subscribe to this magazine!

Indian Curry Lentils is just one of the many recipes in the magazine.

There is even a feature film called "Forks Over Knives" (2013) which can be purchased or viewed at various sites.  You can watch a short synopsis of the film on YouTube:


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