March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Wish List Wednesdays: Squirrel Birdbath

Even though we are currently experiencing our coldest weather so far this winter, some recent mail-order catalogs have me thinking about spring already.  I am looking forward to making some improvements in our yard, and one item we really should add is a birdbath.  Even though I have a sort of love/hate relationship with squirrels, I find this Squirrel Birdbath ($225) from Charleston Gardens to be charming.  Squirrels actually broke our last birdbath by knocking off the bowl, so hopefully this one is either cast as one piece or has a way to secure the bowl to the base.  I do like the color and material from which this outdoor piece is made, and it may even be sturdy enough to withstand our cute but destructive squirrel population!

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