March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

This 'n That Thursdays: Ugly Christmas Sweaters for Kittens

From Top Ten Pack

National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day is on December 18th this year (every third Friday in December, in case you were wondering).  Here in Georgia I rarely find it cold enough to wear a sweater, especially this year, but I will have to go through the sweaters I have packed away to see if I own one that qualifies as ugly.  I may also have some ugly dog sweaters stuck in the back of a closet somewhere.  It never occurred to me that our feline friends might be feeling left out of the festivities, but apparently others have noticed a dearth of ugly sweaters for kittens on the market.  Never fear, there is a solution.  The following YouTube video will instruct you on how to make an ugly sweater for your own furry felid!   The process involves some ugly Christmas socks and a pair of scissors -- it is as simple as that!  Check out the video, then ransack your sock drawer (or head to the nearest discount store) for the ugliest Yuletide socks and start snipping!  Your kitten will thank you (or not)!

You might even want to get yourself one of these sweaters so you and your kitty can celebrate together in style!


Just be sure your kitten has a sense of humor, or you may be facing a disastrous revenge moment:

From Google+

May you and your kitten(s) have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day.  Just ignore that sniggering emanating from the neighborhood dogs -- I'm sure their owners have appropriately ugly sweaters for them too!

From Irresistible Pets

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