March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Wish List Wednesdays: Trio of Modcloth Treasures

Sometimes the simplest things are the most delightful, like this trio of treasures from Modcloth.  If you are a tea drinker, start your morning off with a mug full of tea brewed in the winsome Deep Tea Diver Infuser ($14.99) shown above.

Chances are you will be the only person in town serving your wine with the help of a rhinoceros if you own the Servin' Safari Bottle Pourer, which is on sale at 70% off for an incredible $3.99!

Should you have any leftover wine, you can store the bottle topped with the adorable Cats Enough For Now Wine Stopper ($11.99).

Why settle for the merely mundane when you can add a little quirky charm to your day!

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