March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

This 'n That Thursdays: Organization Art

From Things Organized Neatly

I am one of those people who suffers from a slight case of OCD.  Not enough to render me dysfunctional, but enough to make me uncomfortable in the presence of disorder and chaos (and I live with a dedicated hoarder, so you can just imagine my pain!).  Recently I discovered the wonderful world of organization art, which is truly a delight for someone like me (I had to change the name of this category slightly, because if you try to Google the original name, trust me, you will end up seeing some images you will fervently wish you could un-see!).

Photographer Emily Blincoe has compiled a collection of works based on objects she has meticulously arranged in a visually pleasing way.  All of the objects are everyday items easily found around the house, but her arrangements have elevated them to artistic status.  Take a look at some of her works, and if you too suffer from mild OCD be prepared to bask in a feeling of blissful calm:

Another example of organization art can be found in a book by Ursus Wehrli called The Art of Cleanup: Life Made Neat and Tidy (2013).  This work is a collection of before and after images showing disorder rearranged into various degrees of order, as shown in the examples below (I really am going to have to buy his book):

If you just can't get enough of organization art, check out the archives from the blog Things Organized Neatly, curated by Austin Radcliffe, who has been quoted as saying "Precision is beauty".  Amen to that!

From Things Organized Neatly

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