March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

This 'n That Thursdays: The Colorful Home

From Apartment Therapy

Sometimes I wish I lived in a bright and colorful home.  Of course, I have a sneaking suspicion that after a while I might tire of so much stimulating color, but when I see photos of such homes they just make me happy.  Take a look at some of these examples:

A bright and colorful front exterior (from My Green Lake)

A cheerful front porch (by Josh Friedman on Etsy)

An eye-popping living room (from airbnb)

Bold colors in a dining room (from Decoholic)

An exuberant master bedroom (from The Waffler)

Intensely multi-colored bathroom (from Tréndir)

A vivid multi-hued kitchen (from Home Room Designs)

While I might not be able to take it to the color extreme like these homeowners, I am fascinated by the idea of at least having dining room chairs in multiple colors:

From Furniture Arcade

I would also love to have one of these Maria SC test tube chandeliers by Pani Jurek hanging above the dining table -- that way, I could change the water and/or flower colors depending upon my mood (and it would also complement the iron test tube vase I described in yesterday's post!):

From Pani Jurek (also available as a double tier)

My husband is not a fan of so much color, but at least one of our dogs seems to be attracted to color the way I am.  I recently purchased a small and colorful rug for our side entry foyer, and laid it out temporarily in our main hallway so that the creases could relax.  Our terrier mix, Miss R, promptly placed her colorful toy artfully in one corner:

Here she is taking a well-deserved rest after the strenuous exertions of her creative interior design efforts:

It looks like from now on I may have to seek the approval of my canine interior design expert before making any changes to our home décor!

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