March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

This 'n That Thursdays: Birds and Interior Design

A pair of pretty Puffins (from StuffPoint)

I don't know what it is with birds, but something about them really inspires artistic creativity in people when it comes to interior design. This being the time of year when many of our fine feathered friends begin their annual migration to milder climes, I thought I would feature all things avian for the month of September.  And if perchance you are a bit skeptical of my claim that we are experiencing an ornithological obsession in the world of home décor, just take a look at some of these examples (be forewarned that if you suffer from ornithophobia it would be a good idea to close your eyes now):

In the living room with restraint (from Wall Mural Gallery)

In the living room with exuberance (from Tickle Me Vintage)

In the dining room (above from COCOCOZY; below from Casart Coverings)

In the bedroom (above from House to Home; below from Home Klondike)

In the nursery (above from Baby Nursery Decor; below from Unique Baby Gear Ideas)

And even in the bathroom! (above from HGTV; below from The Cottage Mix)

It seems that birds are everywhere in the home these days.  I can't explain this avian invasion, but I will certainly have fun taking a closer look at the trend -- and I might even find some inspiration for my own home as well!

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