March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This 'n That Thursdays: Southwestern Style

When it comes to interior design, I have always liked Southwestern style.  Not the pink-and-turquoise, kokopelli- and coyote-themed version from the 1980s, but the original earthy, Spanish- and Native American-influenced look, similar to these:

From Crow's Nest

From DEA

From The ReNOUNed Nest

From Linda Adams Interior Design

I love those neutral tones with touches of warm color, the simple and rustic natural wood furniture, beautiful rugs, and comfortable leather seating.  Recently, however, I have been intrigued by a more modern interpretation of Southwestern style as exempilified by these images:

The Saguaro Hotel

From IM Design Studios

From Visions Design Group

From Nuhomedesigns

Our recent trip to Santa Fe has inspired me to create style boards based on my interpretations of both traditional and contemporary Southwestern style, and I will post these during the month of March.  I am going to have a lot of fun doing this, and it will help me decide which look I would prefer for our own New Mexico home should we decide to retire there.  Of course, I suppose I will have to get my husband's input on his preferences, and I think I know which look he will choose, but I can still pretend that I have a choice!

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