March 16th is National Panda Day!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This 'n That Thursdays: An Etsy-Inspired Cardinal Christmas

Last week the HGTV blog Design Happens posted a comment announcing a partnership with Etsy for the HGTV Treasury Challenge 2011.  Anyone can create a Treasury list on Etsy, which is a pictorial list of sixteen favorite items available from artists on the site.  For the HGTV Treasury Challenge, bloggers were asked to create a holiday list of Etsy products to share with other HGTV fans.  It is simple to do and a lot of fun, and I ended up creating four lists.  One of my creations was for a Cardinal Christmas, featuring items with a cardinal theme -- you can see my list here, or just take a look at these two collages:

Left to right from top left: Cardinal WreathCardinal MosaicCardinal Appetizer Plates; Cardinal Ornament; Cardinal Dessert Table; Cardinal Gift Tags; Cardinal Wine Glasses; Cardinal Mug; Cardinal Gingerbread Cookies

Left to right from top left: Christmas Cardinal Pillow; Cardinal Canisters; Cardinal Stocking; Cardinal Glasses; Cardinal Christmas Cards; Cardinal Vase; Cardinal Christmas Wall Hanging Quilt; Cardinal Brooch (no longer available); Cardinal Gourd Birdhouse

Cardinals like to winter close to our house, so to me they are a symbol of the Christmas season.  These bright red birds brings lots of holiday cheer, and are a perfect Yuletide theme.

I had so much fun creating four Christmas Treasury lists on Etsy, I may just go back and put together a few more.  What a great way to get into the holiday spirit!

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