March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

On the Homefront: HGTV Design Happens Giveaway Winner!


Recently I was the lucky winner of a random drawing for the HGTV blog Design Happens Freebie Fridays Grandin Road Halloween Giveaway!  My prizes arrived on Monday of this week, and I lost no time in setting them up in our living room:

A bit overexposed!

A much spookier image!

Pay no attention to the sleeping Dalmatian in the corner
(how did she get in my picture?).

Close-up of the Halloween tray, candelabra, and spiderweb tablecloth.

The spiderweb tablecloth, spirit board serving tray (no longer available on the Grandin Road website), and gothic-looking candelabra added the right touch of old-fashioned spookiness to our otherwise modern and colorful room.  I am saving the wine and beer bottle labels for another time -- perhaps a Halloween party next year?  Thank you, HGTV, for the lovely gifts!

The next Design Happens Freebie Fridays giveaway will be tomorrow (November 1st), so be sure to check it out, and leave a comment to enter (hopefully they will have the "Comments" section fixed by then)!

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