March 24th is National Cocktail Day! 🍸🍹

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

On the Homefront: Merry Christmas!

I brought very few decorations with me when I came here to New Mexico during the first phase of our move, but one of the few Christmas items that made the trip was the tabletop tree in the photo above.  My husband found some colorful garlands of donkey-shaped paper cutouts strung together with six feet of thread and bought three packs, so we decorated our tree with them.  The effect is simple but festive, which is just the sort of look I like.  This may be our only holiday decoration, but it makes us happy on this dreary and rainy day we are having, so who needs more elaborate décor?  I hope you have a fun-filled day any way you prefer!

Bonus: A heartwarming Christmas story for dog lovers!

A beautiful New Mexico Christmas day sunset!

Monday, December 23, 2019

On the Homefront: A New Look for My Blog

(Click to enlarge)

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have redesigned my blog to reflect my recent move to New Mexico.  I have changed the name of my blog as well, but the blog link will remain the same.  And as an early Christmas present, I have created the above image in anticipation of the upcoming election season in 2020!  Feel free to use it, modify it, even criticize it if you like - I had fun creating it and that is the only important criterion for me!  Now I have to get some last minute Christmas shopping done (I hope the rest of you did not leave things to the last minute like I did).  Happy holidays!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

On the Homefront: Another Beautiful New Mexico Sunrise

I could not resist posting an image of yet another beautiful New Mexico sunrise - I am obsessed!  Today I await the arrival of the DirecTV technician in the hopes that I can get satellite TV installed before my husband gets here on Sunday (he cannot live without his daily fix of news shows!).  While I wait for the technician, I will start baking the fruitcakes that I make every year for my siblings, as they have already told me that moving is no excuse for not baking their favorite holiday treat!

I finally had the plaster repaired on the inside wall of one of the guest bedrooms that had a roof leak over the summer.  Now I am in the process of moving bookshelves into this room so that I can finally unpack all of my books (and there are a lot of them).  This is a good project to work on over the winter whenever the weather is unpleasant, so I am in no hurry to get it done.  Life just continues to be one unpacking project after another, but when my husband arrives we will definitely take time to get into town and enjoy some holiday festivities.  I hope everyone out there is making time to do the same!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

On the Homefront: I Finally Have Internet!

Good morning from chilly but lovely New Mexico!  We had a gorgeous sunrise today so I decided that I would ease back in to blogging by posting a couple of images.  It has certainly been quite a while since my last post!  My only excuse is that I have been so busy settling in to our New Mexico house that I have not had time to set up an account for internet access until now.  This will just be a short post because I am still quite busy here, but I promise to work on getting back into blogging (both my own site and the ones that I normally follow) as quickly as possible.  There may also be a few aesthetic changes made to this site in the near future as I transition from blogging about life in Georgia to describing our new location in New Mexico.  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are now fully in the mood for the holiday season!