March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

On the Homefront: Getting Ready for the Big Move

Boxes filled with books ready for the big move
 (I've packed up a lot more of them since I took this photo).

Just thought I would post a quick update on my big move coming up at the end of the month.  My husband and I are doing this move in stages.  The first stage involves me taking pretty much all of my books, movies, and clothes, most of our kitchen items except for the bare essentials I think my husband will need, all of our dogs' and my horse's things, and the minimum amount of furniture that I will require to live comfortably in our New Mexico house.

At the moment I am trying very hard to go through all of my belongings and ruthlessly downsize.  My husband is in charge of removing everything that I discard as quickly as possible before I have a chance to change my mind about anything (I load my discarded items into his car as soon as I can since I am less likely to haul things back in once they are out of the house).  This is the last move we intend to make, and I really want to minimize the amount of stuff that I own.

The items I decided to pack myself are my books and movies, plus some of my clothes.  I got all of my cookbooks packed up when we had to replace our kitchen and dining room tile floors so I am over halfway done, but I really need to pick up the pace and finish so that I can move on to other things.  I am afraid this means that I will be neglecting my blog for the rest of the month, so posts will be few and far between.

Hopefully by the middle of October (or whenever I can get internet service to our new house) I will be back on a more regular schedule.  Since I will be going back and forth between New Mexico and Georgia at least a few more times once I find a reliable pet sitter, my blog will keep its "GAFunkyFarmhouse" title for now.  Despite the stress of packing for a move, I am looking forward to our retirement life in New Mexico, and can't wait to experience autumn in Santa Fe!

From Pinterest

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