March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wish List Wednesdays: The Deadly Donkey Mug

According to my husband, I have a rather alarming sense of humor.  Which is why, when I discovered the Deadly Donkey Mug, I was absolutely delighted -- while he was utterly horrified!  (The man needs to learn to lighten up, I think.)  The creation of wickedly humorous Edward Monkton (alias of artist and poet Giles Adreae) the design on the mug is based upon a short poem of his called, appropriately enough, "Deadly Donkey":

This mug is getting hard to find -- it is no longer available on, and the UK site CampusGifts seems to be one of the few that still sells them (on sale for about $10).  Even so, I am determined to own one of these mugs, and with Christmas fast approaching I may be able to justify having one shipped overseas!

Oh, and one more thing -- apparently there is a second stanza to this poem:

Deadly Donkey and Pillow Pony

Beware the Deadly Donkey
Falling slowly from the sky.
You can choose the way you LIVE, my friend
But not the way you DIE!

Beware the Pillow Pony
Getting ready to bite your head.
When you wake up in the morning - GASP!
You know that you are DEAD!

Truly weird and wonderfully disturbing poetry indeed!

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