March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wish List Wednesdays: Turkey Tiny Taper Holders

I'm already thinking about setting my Thanksgiving table, and these Turkey Tiny Taper Holders from Williams-Sonoma are a good place to start!  After all, this holiday's meal is all about the bird, so why not let it reign on the table in more ways than just the main course?  A set of four taper holders is $19.95, so I could purchase a couple of  sets for a centerpiece focal point.  Williams-Sonoma also sells the taper candles (12 for $12.00 in ivory).  I think a rafter of these white turkeys with tapers would make my holiday tabletop extra special.  In fact, I may just want to increase their numbers by adding a Turkey Place Card Holder (four for $19.95) at each place setting!


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