March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wish List Wednesdays: A Secret Garden Retreat

From Sunset

Autumn is my favorite season.  Right about now, though, just after Thanksgiving, even I have to admit that the late autumn landscape is beginning to look a little bleak.  I am actually starting to miss the overly balmy days of summer, so I have decided to dedicate this last week of the month to "Summer in November"!  You know, sort of like "Christmas in July", but instead of bringing the winter holiday to the heat of summer, I want to experience summer's lush beauty at fall's end.  One item always on my wish list is a garden retreat, a secret spot to enjoy the outdoors in privacy on a warm summer day.  The garden pictured above would be perfect -- just add a chair and it would be the ideal spot to sit and read outdoors.  The one below would be great as well:

From Sunset

Or for a more contemporary look, either of the two spaces shown below would work:

From Sunset

From Sunset

The best thing about "Summer in November" is that I can get a head start on planning my secret garden retreat!

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