March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Foodie Fridays: Easy Applesauce Muffins

A few weeks ago I posted a three-ingredient recipe for Easy Chocolate Muffins which is super simple and surprisingly tasty.  This inspired me to try a different three-ingredient combination for muffins, and I came up with Easy Applesauce Muffins!  The recipe uses a 23-ounce jar of applesauce instead of pumpkin purée.  Since applesauce is runnier than the pumpkin, I drained the sauce in a fine-mesh sieve for about an hour first, collecting the apple juice in a bowl.  I then poured off the juice (and drank it!) and used the bowl to mix the ingredients.  Other than increasing the baking time by five minutes, the technique for making these muffins remains the same, and I find them to be even tastier than the chocolate version.  I happened to have some Hershey's cinnamon chips that I bought an embarrassingly long time ago, so I used them here, and they are a perfect pairing with the apple flavor.  I am not sure how readily available they are in supermarkets, but butterscotch chips would probably work too if you can't find cinnamon ones, and you can always add powdered cinnamon (although that would then make this a four-ingredient recipe!).

Easy Applesauce Muffins

1 box (about 18 oz.) yellow cake mix
1 jar (about 23 oz.) unsweetened applesauce, drained (see above)
6 oz. cinnamon baking chips (about 1 cup)

Thoroughly combine the cake mix with the drained applesauce.  Stir in the cinnamon chips.  Evenly divide the batter among 18 greased muffin cups.  Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.  Cool slightly and remove from pans.  Makes 18.

Note: Either refrigerate or freeze these muffins if they last more than a day or they will spoil.  If frozen, they thaw very quickly at room temperature, or they can be microwaved for about 10 seconds to thaw.

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