March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Foodie Fridays: Roasted Turkey Breast with Gravy

Last Thanksgiving I was so sick I lost my sense of taste and was unable to cook.  This year one of my dogs is seriously ill and I don't know if I will have time to cook.  It seems that I am destined never to  make a traditional Thanksgiving dinner again!  However, if I do find I have some time, I can always prepare Food Network chef Claire Robinson's Roasted Turkey Breast with Gravy.  It takes a mere hour and a half to make, uses only five ingredients, and tastes divine.  I have made it in the past when pressed for time, and have not been disappointed.  Oh, and if your knife skills are less than stellar, ask the supermarket butcher to cut a whole turkey breast in half for you -- it's a free service, and will save you some hassle.  Since I will only be cooking for my husband and myself, there will be plenty of leftover turkey, and everyone knows that leftovers are the best part of Thanksgiving dinner!  Give this recipe a try, even if you aren't suffering from a time crunch like I am, on Thanksgiving or any other day.

Roasted Turkey Breast with Gravy

2 shallots, peeled and sliced
2 (3-pound) fresh bone-in turkey breast halves
10 T. (1 stick plus 2 T.) butter, softened
salt and pepper to taste
2 C. low-sodium chicken stock
2 T. flour

Scatter the shallots on the bottom of a roasting pan and top with a wire rack.  Dry the turkey breasts with paper towels and place on the wire rack, breast side up.  Rub 4 T. butter all over the surface of each breast and season with salt and pepper.  Pour the stock into the pan.  Roast at 375 degrees for about an hour, until a meat thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the turkey reads 165 degrees and the juices run clear (begin checking the internal temperature after 45 minutes to avoid overcooking).  Remove from the oven, place the turkey breasts on a cutting board, and tent with foil.  Allow to rest while making the gravy.

Strain the pan drippings into a small pot over low heat and bring to a simmer.  In a small bowl, mash the flour into the remaining 2 T. butter with a fork to form a paste.  Whisk into the simmering stock, season with salt and pepper, and cook until thickened.

Carve the turkey and arrange on a serving platter.  Serve with the gravy on the side.  Serves 6.

Note: This recipe uses a lot of butter.  I have rubbed less butter on the meat prior to cooking and it came out just fine (just make sure to cover the entire surface thoroughly).  You might also want to try substituting olive oil for some of the butter.

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