March 28th is National Weed Appreciation Day!

Friday, October 25, 2024

Foodie Fridays: Sparkling Cider, and a Couple of Quick and Easy Snacks for Spooky Season

Fall is my favorite season, and every year I buy a small jug of apple cider because I consider it to be a quintessential fall beverage.  Unfortunately, even though I love the idea of cider, I usually end up never  drinking it and giving it my husband instead (I have the same problem with hot chocolate in the winter - love the idea of it for the season but almost never drink it).  I rarely drink anything other than water or tea (hot or cold), so I find it hard to get out of my rut and have something different.

This year, however, I finally found a way to enjoy an occasional cider beverage.  We had such a prolonged warm season this year that the thought of hot cider was not appealing, so I decided to try it cold.  Since cider is so sweet I wanted to dilute it to reduce the sweetness, so I bought a bottle of sparkling mineral water.  What a delicious treat it turned out to be!  I am one of those oddballs who does not care for ice in drinks, but adding ice would make this an even colder drink, perfect for the far-too-hot autumn days we have been having until recently.  I also do not care for spiced cider, but for those who do it would be an interesting variation on the theme.  This beverage is so simple that a recipe is not really needed, but I will include one anyway since that is what I do in these posts!

Sparkling Cider

1 C. sparkling mineral water (I used this brand)
1/2 C. apple cider (plain or spiced, your choice)

If desired, add some ice to a tall glass.  Pour the mineral water into the glass first, then add the cider.  Stir if you feel the need, start sipping, and enjoy!  Serves 1.


I never include more than one recipe in each of these posts, but decided to make an exception here to suggest a couple of quick and easy sweet and salty snack mixes to serve with your glass of Sparkling Cider.  The drink and snacks would be perfect for a family spooky movie night, either along with or instead of the ubiquitous bowl of popcorn (I wonder if combining the two snack mixes with the popcorn in one big bowl would be a good combination?).  If you are a football fan, I think these snack mixes would also be great to serve while watching a game, and the cider drink could work for anyone wishing to avoid alcoholic beverages.

Snack Mix #1 (on left in image above) - combine a bag of Snyder's Honey Mustard & Onion Pretzel Pieces with a 16-oz. jar of honey-roasted peanuts (any brand)

Snack Mix #2 (on right in image above) - combine a bag of Great Value Peanut Butter Flavored Trail Mix with a bag of Great Value Roasted & Salted Pecans

I rarely indulge in after dinner snacking, but for spooky season I think I could make an exception to the rule! 👽👻🎃💀👿

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