March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Seasonal Style: Spring Yellow Art Deco

From Decorating Theme Bedrooms

At long last spring has arrived, and not a moment too soon as far as I am concerned!  Our winter was so gloomy and rainy that I am in the mood for a sunny look, so my interior design style choice for the new season absolutely glows with yellow.  I liked the restrained yellow hue in the sophisticated art deco-inspired living room shown above, which is given a slightly exotic look with touches of black and white animal print fabrics.

From Trend Mafia

While my fashion selection has no animal print, the bold black and white geometric accents provide a similar contrast to the mellow yellow of the elegant dress, which is also art deco-inspired.

Bring on some sunnier days this spring, please -- I am so ready!

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