March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Wish List Wednedays: Shirt

I am currently obsessed with the plight of an odd little mammal called the pangolin, which is in danger of extinction in Asia due to poaching.  Luckily, I am not the only one, and several organizations are trying to bring attention to this almost unknown creature, including the folks at  They now have quite a few items for sale bearing their logo on, and 100% of the proceeds go to efforts to save pangolins.  I happen to prefer V-neck T-shirts (and at $17.99 they are quite reasonable), but there is something for everyone in this collection, so if you want an item for yourself or as a gift for someone else that will benefit a unique animal, these selections may be the perfect solution!  Hmmm, I wonder if my dogs would like a T-shirt of their own?

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