March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Holiday Hits: Happy Easter!

Easter basket (from Access Atlanta)

After a weekend of rain and grey skies, Easter Sunday dawned clear and breezy.  The colors of the spring landscape are so sharp and bright this morning that I thought I would feature a picture parade of intensely colored Easter home décor and treats.  Be prepared to be dazzled!

Easter bouquet (from Babyocio)

Easter eggs (from Do It and How)

Easter Peeps (from Martha Stewart)

Easter bread (from Bennison's Bakery)

Easter wreath (from Family First Magazine)

Easter table (from The Pink Flour)

Easter cookies (from LilaLoa)

Easter mantel (from imSAID)

Easter deviled eggs (from Life's A Tomato)

The only colorful Easter items to avoid would be dyed chicks, ducks and bunnies.  The dyeing process can be stressful, but more importantly these poor animals are often abandoned once the cuteness wears off.  Never give small animals to children as novelty gifts -- unless, of course, we are talking about these types of Easter creatures:

Easter bunnies (from Travel Around the World -
Vacation Reviews)

Happy Easter, everyone!

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