March 27th is World Theatre Day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wish List Wednesdays: Tiny Pantry Cookbook by Isabel Paige

Last fall I posted a recipe for a dish called kitchari based on a recipe from a digital cookbook I purchased called Tiny Pantry by Isabel Paige.  Isabel Paige is a YouTube vlogger who makes the most fantastic vegan meals in a tiny house she built herself.  Recently she made her cookbook available as a hardcover book ($34.95; also includes a free digital copy), and I wasted no time in placing my pre-order (the book is published independently so copies must be pre-ordered).  The original e-book has been edited and updated, with new photos and ten new recipes added.  The updated version is also available as a digital download only ($14.95) if that is your preference, but as an ardent book lover I can't wait to get my hands on the hard copy!  It will take a few weeks for the book to arrive, but once it does I intend to make a few more of the tantalizing recipes.  I recommend watching the following episode from A Cookbook Collector vlog which shows a non-vegan making and trying out some of the recipes from the original e-book, just to get an idea of how user-friendly and tasty these recipes really are:

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