March 24th is National Cocktail Day! 🍸🍹

Thursday, April 28, 2022

This 'n That Thursdays: Online Reading Challenge Update #2

In my last reading challenge update I mentioned that the adventure novel I intended to read for the month of April was The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne.  I finally finished it a couple of days ago.  I really enjoyed it and do recommend it, but with a couple of caveats.  First, Jules Verne was fascinated by scientific detail and there is plenty of it in this novel, where five castaways land on a remote and uninhabited island and must find a way to make everything they need with just the raw materials available and their own knowledge and abilities.  Fortunately the leader of the group is an engineer with a broad background in many scientific fields, so they are quite successful, but Verne does go into great, sometimes tedious, detail as to the methods used for making such items as pottery, gunpowder, glass, various metals, etc.  I found the descriptions of these processes to be fascinating, but must admit that I merely skimmed through a lot of the information (hopefully I will never find myself in a situation like the castaways where I wished I had paid more attention to these details!).

I also found it interesting to read yet another 19th century novel which again reinforced the very masculine view of the world during this time period (the Conan Doyle novel I read last month had similar views).  All of the castaways are men, and their main focus seems to be conquering their environment rahter than living in harmony with it (one of their first tasks is to blow up one end of a lake to lower the water level for access to an underwater cave!).  They are obsessed with coming into possession of guns, which they cannot make themselves, and which, fortunately for them and somewhat miraculously, they find in a chest adrift in the ocean.  There is even a brief warlike conflict with some pirates who come across their island - even remote castaways cannot escape war!

The only other problem I had with this novel came at the very end.  The five castaways were accompanied by a loyal dog, who did his fair share in helping them all to survive.  After the rather catastrophic end to the island, the only survivors are these men and the dog, but they fear that without supplies they will soon perish from hunger and thirst.  Just in the nick of time they are rescued, but no further mention is made of the dog.  Did he survive or perish before the rescue?  Jules Verne did not think to let us know, and I for one as a confirmed dog lover found this overlooked detail maddening!  It pretty much ruined the whole ending for me - I even reread the last few pages twice to see if I had missed this detail, but there was nothing.  I will just assume that the dog managed to survive, but it would have made me happier to have had this conclusion verified.  Otherwise, as I said I found the novel a very worthwhile read and would certainly recommend it to anyone looking to read a classic adventure tale.

Next month's reading challenge is a vintage girl's novel (Little Women by Louisa May Alcott is a classic example), and I have decided to read a lesser known work called Ruth Hall by author Fanny Fern.  I am completely unfamiliar with this novel and the author, so I look forward to learning more about both when I read this semi-autobiographical book.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wish List Wednesdays: Tiny Pantry Cookbook by Isabel Paige

Last fall I posted a recipe for a dish called kitchari based on a recipe from a digital cookbook I purchased called Tiny Pantry by Isabel Paige.  Isabel Paige is a YouTube vlogger who makes the most fantastic vegan meals in a tiny house she built herself.  Recently she made her cookbook available as a hardcover book ($34.95; also includes a free digital copy), and I wasted no time in placing my pre-order (the book is published independently so copies must be pre-ordered).  The original e-book has been edited and updated, with new photos and ten new recipes added.  The updated version is also available as a digital download only ($14.95) if that is your preference, but as an ardent book lover I can't wait to get my hands on the hard copy!  It will take a few weeks for the book to arrive, but once it does I intend to make a few more of the tantalizing recipes.  I recommend watching the following episode from A Cookbook Collector vlog which shows a non-vegan making and trying out some of the recipes from the original e-book, just to get an idea of how user-friendly and tasty these recipes really are:

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Wish List Wednesdays: Loft Strawberry V-Neck Sweater

I am a big fan of sweaters with unique and fun prints, so when I saw the Strawberry V-Neck Sweater from Loft ($79.50, but currently 50% off plus free shipping!) I knew I had to buy it.  The fact that it is 100% cotton and has a v-neck, which I prefer to a crew neck, made it even more attractive.  One of the comments mentioned that it is more fitted than loose.  Since I have very broad shoulders and a long waist, I sized up, and the fit is perfect for me.  Loft has many items for sale at 50% off with free shipping right now, so even if this sweater is not your style you may want to check out some of the other sale items.  As for me, I am delighted with my new sweater!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Foodie Fridays: Roasted Cauliflower with Gnocchi and Ham

I came up with this recipe as a way to use up a head of cauliflower that had been sitting in our fridge for too long, and was truly surprised when it turned out to be absolutely delicious!  While it does take a while to roast, this dish is very easy to put together and is ready to serve in under an hour.  The amounts of all ingredients used are flexible, and you could substitute any vegetables you happen to have on hand (although I highly recommend the combination I listed).  I love easy sheet pan dinners, and this is one that I look forward to making again.

Roasted Cauliflower with Gnocchi and Ham

1 head cauliflower, cut into florets (I used orange)
8 oz. (1/2 bag) baby carrots, halved lengthwise if large
1 small red onion, cut into chunks
1/4 tsp. salt
4 T. olive oil
1 package (1 lb.) potato gnocchi
2 lbs. ham, cut into chunks (I used turkey ham)
1-2 tsp. tajin seasoning

Combine the cauliflower, carrots, and onion in a large baking pan.  Season with the salt and toss with 2 T. olive oil.  Roast at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.

Remove the pan from the oven.  Toss the vegetables.  Stir in the gnocchi, ham, and remaining 2 T. olive oil and toss well to combine.  Return to the oven and roast for 15 more minutes.

Remove the pan from the oven.  Season the vegetables with the tajin seasoning.  Return to the oven and roast for 10 minutes.

Turn off the oven and let the pan sit in the hot oven for another 10 minutes before serving.  Serves 6-8.