March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Monday, May 11, 2015

On the Homefront: The Art of Napping

Ruby napping peacefully on her bed in the pre-Madison days, one hind
leg kicked back (I call it the kickback leg position).

I am delighted to report that our new dog Madison has adjusted extremely well to her new home.  At first our terrier mix Ruby wanted to pretend little Maddie did not exist -- she would not eat out of any bowl Maddie touched, or sleep in any bed she had used -- but once she saw Madison chase squirrels she knew she had found a kindred spirit and they get along famously now.  They have even started terrorizing toads before dawn in the mornings, something that only Ruby had found interesting when she shared our home with our two wonderful Dalmatians.

The other day it was very hot, and I found the two dogs napping in very unique poses, so I quickly snapped some photos before they could consider repositioning themselves (I needn't have worried, as they were quite comfortable and did not move):

Such an elegant pose!

Now doesn't that look comfortable (not!)?

And what do they do when they are not napping on the beds?  Take a look:

Maddie simply sprawls on her belly instead of her back, hind paws dangling over the edge of the bed as she gnaws contentedly on a bone.

Ever since Maddie arrived, Ruby has taken to eyeing the world with a bemused expression when she rests on her bed.

Even though Madison is getting just a little bit pushy, Ruby is adjusting well (I keep reminding her she is the Number One Dog, and I think she finally believes me).  And having a young and active dog in the house seems to have rejuvenated Ruby, who was starting to become rather staid in her more mature years.  I think we are now all happy that Maddie is part of the family, especially Maddie herself!

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