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Thursday, February 3, 2011

This 'n That Thursdays: Embrace Beige!

From Materials-World

Sometimes I get a little tired of interior design experts telling us that beige is boring and should be avoided when decorating a space.  Personally, I appreciate all colors, and that includes beige!  Like anyone else, I prefer certain colors over others (I for one am not happy with the current popularity of the color grey) but I would never omit a color from my repertoire just because too many other people have a tendency to choose it.  Admittedly many may pick beige because they are too timid to try anything more bold, and it does not hurt to suggest other options, but there is a place in the design world for beige.  It is a soothing and serene color, and for someone looking to create a quiet retreat in their home this may be the perfect choice.  Just look at the following array of beige rooms, all featured on the website of HGTV:

While I am not sure I would like to see an entire house done in beige, these rooms prove that, when done right, any room can look good in this color.  To all of you naysaying designers I must protest -- let us have beige!

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