March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Friday, December 13, 2024

Foodie Fridays: Hot Apple Pie Cider

Years ago my husband and I went to a Christmas crafts fair (either in Colorado or Georgia, I can't remember which state now) where hot apple pie cider was served, spiced and topped with whipped cream.  It was delicious!  I have created my own version based on that drink, and it is really the only way I like to drink hot cider.  You could use cider that is sold already spiced, but I prefer to add my own as I do not care for cloves and this way I can leave them out.  That is why I also recommend apple pie spice blend rather than pumpkin pie spice, because the former does not contain cloves.  However, use whatever you prefer and/or have on hand (I think the cider at the crafts fair just had cinnamon, and it was quite good that way).

I like to use my very large Christmas Snoopy mug as I do not like the whipped cream overflowing the top, but if you like to see the cream floating above the mug then go for it!  I also just use canned whipped cream, but you can go all out and whip your own cream, or even use steamed milk instead, although it won't taste as rich and creamy.  Of course you can increase the recipe to make as many mugs as you like, and you can also heat the cider on the stove rather than in the microwave.  This is my favorite hot holiday beverage, and I hope you like it too!

Hot Apple Pie Cider

1 C. (or more) apple cider
apple pie spice to taste
dollop of whipped cream

Pour the cider into a microwave-safe mug and heat on HIGH for about 2 minutes.  Sprinkle as much apple pie spice on top of the cider as you like.  Top with whipped cream and sprinkle more spice over the cream.  Start sipping and enjoy!  Serves 1.

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