March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wish List Wednesdays: Toptier Electric Ceramic Tea Kettle

I have been looking to replace my old electric tea kettle for a while now.  It is an old West Bend kettle that still works well, but the short spout is annoying because water always drips on to the counter when I pour it into my tea mug.  I wanted a kettle with a gooseneck-type spout, but most modern versions are designed for pouring the boiling water over coffee grounds rather than tea, and I just do not care for the really skinny spout.  Also, to me these modern electric kettles look rather ungainly and, frankly, unattractive.

Finally, after a long search for just the right kettle, I found the Toptier Electric Ceramic Tea Kettle ($52.99 on Amazon) which is both attractive and functional.  As soon as I saw the colorful Dot pattern I knew that this was the kettle for me!  I also love the fact that it is ceramic rather than plastic or metal.  While some reviewers complained about a funny smell to the water when using the kettle, I simply followed the instructions which said to boil water in the kettle and discard before using it, and I have had no problems whatsoever.  There were also a few complaints about leaks from the base but I did not have that issue either.

I have been using this kettle for a few weeks now and I have to say I am quite pleased.  The water comes to a boil quickly and the gooseneck spout never drips water on my countertop.  Unlike my old kettle, this one can be removed from the base with the heating element, but I do not find this to be either better or worse.  The cord on this kettle is much thicker and sturdier, which makes it a bit harder to coil up when not in use, but this is probably a safety feature so I am not complaining.  Really the only minor complaint I have is that the knob on the lid gets hot when the water is boiled, so I have to hold and remove the lid with a paper towel when the kettle is hot so I do not burn my fingers.  I am on the lookout for some sort of silicone cap to put on this lid and thought I had found one but it was too wide and did not fit, so I am still looking.  If I find something that works I will update this site with the information.

If you are looking for an electric kettle that works well and also looks attractive I highly recommend the Toptier Electric Ceramic Tea Kettle.  It comes in several different styles and colors as well as two different sizes, so check it out if you are interested.  (For cat lovers there is an absolutely adorable Greedy Cat design in blue and white - I was really tempted, but I am more of a dog person and Dot was the name of my first Dalmatian, so I had to go with that pattern instead!)

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