March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

On the Homefront: My Gia

Yesterday we said goodbye to our sweet, gentle Gia.  She survived numerous mild seizure bouts last October until we finally got them under control, and she was recovering remarkably well after being knocked down by the mail truck the day before Christmas, but after coming home the day before Martin Luther King Day seemingly on the road to recovery, she began to decline.  I rushed her back to the vet hospital on Sunday night, and got the dreaded phone call Monday evening.  Our poor, beautiful, wonderful girl had cancer, and it was frighteningly aggressive.  She was already so debilitated that we just couldn't put her through any more treatments, so we made the heartbreaking decision to let her go on Tuesday morning.  I am not up to writing any more at the moment, but I will post a better tribute to our beloved girl in a few days.  Goodbye for now, my dear, sweet Gia.  We will miss you terribly, but you are together again with your best friend Diamond, no longer in pain and able to roam and run free once more.


  1. My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry. Katie Griffith

    1. Thank you so much. Our sweet girl loved life, but the cancer was too much for her, and it was time to let her stop fighting. We miss her terribly, but her last moments were peaceful and she felt no pain or fear, which is the last gift we could give to her.
